Monday, December 31, 2012

Lately, plus new

Seriously, can you believe Christmas is over?! I almost said finally, just because the holidays are such a hectic time, that I honestly never really look forward to. Until they get here, and I realize how truly blessed my boys and I are to have such an extended loving family.

As most of you know, we moved to San Antonio in July. The move has been great! I do miss family being 15 minutes away, or just being able to go to my Granny's for breakfast, just because I wanted to. But overall, the move has gone well. If any of you guys haven't been to San Antonio in a while, it's worth the trip, so much to do!!!! Seriously!!! Plus, a free place to stay? Can't beat that, right?!

Early December, we had Aaden evaluated thru the school board for his speech, and the possible need for special education. He was evaluated by a Speech Language Pathologist, special education teacher, and child psychologist. This was a play evaluation, so they observed him as he and I played, then each took their turn engaging with him in play. The psychologist tried an IQ test on him, which was pretty interesting, he, key word, willingly allowed her to do about half the test. Although nothing came from the test, it was fun to watch, and listen to his little mind gamble. Not to my surprise, in means of special education, he surpassed his age group, and is doing wonderful! My worry was his communication skills, and his speech. The pathologist said once she figured out his 'language', and which letters he replaces for others, such as C for T, and few others. He communicates very well for his age. She said his vocabulary is extensive for his age, and there is no need to worry about the exchanging of letters right now.

This Christmas season had been way out of our ordinary. We found out last minute, Evan was asked to work the entire week of Christmas, which meant, our first Christmas apart, in 9 years. Crazy. However, Christmas is only one day, and we have many more to celebrate together... The boys and I spent Christmas week in Baton Rouge, making our rounds. Surprisingly, we were able to stack all of our goodies in our truck and head West, back to Texas. When I say it barely fit.... yes, I mean it. As most of our Christmas was splendid, we did loose our sweet Nola on Christmas Day, we aren't 100% sure what happened, but Granny and I think she escaped the house and ran into our truck tire, as I was leaving for my Daddy's house. She was our best mini friend, and there has not been a day, so far, that Brady has not asked about her. We did, 'replace' her, physically, with a golden doodle, who we named Penny. She is the sweetest little thing. We are all looking forward to bringing her to the doggie park, and letting her tag along when we go to the Farmer's Market.

Santa made a special trip to the Ingram mini's yesterday afternoon. Gratefully, they are still a little young to know which day Santa is 'supposed' to come. So it worked out perfectly, and Christmas has officially thrown up in my house. Maybe by tomorrow, I can have things in order.

The very long anticipated kitchen set, Santa finally brought it to Aaden!!! Now, I can take him into stores... hehe. He was beyond excited, the first thing he said was, "Oh wow!!!! My kitchen!!! Ima cook you sumtin". Which is exactly what he did, and has been doing since.

It wasn't until a few hours ago, I realized, today is the last day of 2012, another whole year has passed, and we have, once again, been blessed. As I look back on this year, I can't help but have my favorite moments, even though, at the same time, I have a lot of things I want to engage in, and work harder on...

Such as, making our Texas house, a Home. Realizing we probably will not be moving back to Baton Rouge. Although, I really do love it in Texas, it's hard to say 'good bye' to the place I have always called home.

I would love to start eating clean. I need to do some research, since Ev and I are both very picky eaters, I think eating clean would make us feel much better... Now, if I can get Ev on board, that would be awesome :)

I am looking forward to the possibility of having another baby, our plans are to start trying towards the end of the year. That way, when baby gets here, Brady will almost be 4, and in pre-k while Aaden is in school full time. It is also our plan not to find out the gender of Baby Ingram 3, if we are blessed with another little mini. That is the only true surprise in life... and I look forward to being in the delivery room, and finding out.  I am very excited to have another little one around, since Aaden and Brady are so close in age, 19 months apart, I think having one baby around, will be so exciting, and both boys will enjoy being Big Brothers.

I would love to work Aaden off of his medicine!!! I know right now, the medicine is what is best for him, and our family. But ultimately, it is not something I want for Aaden his whole life.

I also plan to blog more, take more pictures of the boys, and slow down a little bit. Life is flying by, and I want to enjoy every second with my babies as possible.

I wish your family the very best in 2013!! Bless you all!

Until next time...

With love,
Courtney <3

Friday, September 14, 2012

Update in a nutshell...

Long time no blog, this I know. So much has been going on, I haven't had time to share...

As many of you know, Evan has started a new job, IN TEXAS!!! We moved in July, to San Antonio. The transition has been wonderful. The boys have done very well, and Evan is loving his new job, and the fact he is 'off his tools'. I am so proud of him for taking this huge jump of faith, for our family. Although San Antonio is 7 hours away, it's a reassuring feeling to know friends and family are only a half days drive away, if needed.
Our house, in LA, is currently being rented out, with hopes our renters will buy the beginning of the year. After loading our U-Haul, for Texas, and driving it away from our first home was so bitter sweet, I knew the many blessing that lie ahead, but it was something about driving away from the memories, such as, it just being our first home, together, spending our wedding night, bringing home both boys from the hospital, birthday parties, Grey's nights, taco nights, fires in the driveway... I mean, so many things, I never want to forget!

So this is our new house... horrible picture, yes. It was the morning we were moving in, needless to say, the drive, was not so easy with the minis. Evan had worked all night.

I should stop to thank Steve Jobs for being the genius he is!! FaceTime, on both my phone and iPad, have been so much fun!! From wishing Pawpaw happy birthday, to learning about mermaids from Brodie... This has been our savings grace.

Aaden has also started a pre-k program! He goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. His teachers love him! They have all said he is very helpful, and loves playing with other kids... He is still pretty difficult to drop off in the mornings, unlike Brady would be, if he stayed. I'll put BB on the floor, to play, while the teacher peels Aaden away from me. Well lets just say, I have 2 screaming kids by the time I walk out the classroom door. Both for different reasons, but that just proves how completely different they are!! However, BB asks the same thing all day, "Wheras Bubba?". When I say all day, I mean ALLLL day I think it's adorable though!!

My big cheese haha

You know when you see people selling dogs on the side of the road... Well, I'm one of those people who like to stop and 'look'. One afternoon, on the way to get Aaden from school, I stopped, to let BB play and pet some of the pups, then we left to go get Aaden. Well, BB cried the whole way to A's school. So I decided, if they were still there, I would stop, and if A picked up the same puppy BB was loving on, I would have to get it!!! Sooooo- Meet Nola!! She's our 1 pound little girl! The vet said, we are hoping she gets up to 3 pounds, so say some prayers she grows, just a little ;)

If any of you are looking for an amazing family movie, go buy The Lorax!!! It is adorable, with a great story!! I have watched it at least 500 times, and I catch myself singing along to it, each and every time! The movie, right now, is definitely, 'Little Ingram Boy Crack'.

We also had family pictures done. I'm embarrassed to say, we haven't had family pictures taken since Brady was born!!!!!! Eeeeeek. SHAME. ON. US. I am beyond thrilled with the shots that were captured by Amber Aileen Photography. Below were a few that were purchased on the CD, there are a few more on Amber's blog. Take a look!!

Last but not least, please say a prayer for little Aaden. Throughout the past few weeks, Evan and I have noticed his behavior worsening after administering his medicine. I have called his neuro, and his regular pediatrician about weening him off... Both have agreed with the circumstances I gave them, it was probably best. So in 7 days, starting yesterday, he will be medicine free. We plan to control any issues with diet, a good schedule, a lot of love, and PRAYER!!!

Until next time... (I promise, wont be so long as this time)

With love,
Courtney <3

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Neuro Update

CRAZINESS... yes, to say the least. These past few months have been nothing sort of insane. I mean really, how did I ever work? I have NO clue, honestly.  I seem to get asked the same question, by people I don't see very often, "How has staying at home been?". I can answer that question, but, it's quite hard sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I missed out so much by working the past 2 years of Aaden's life, and 10 months of Brady. HOWEVER, staying at home is not easy. Now I understand why it isn't for everyone. I LOVE IT though.

Can you believe it's been 6 months since we saw Dr. Hollman, Aaden's neurologist? I can't. It is never an easy belly feeling when you're sitting in the lobby to bring your toddler to see a neurologist. Although, Dr. Hollman puts everyone at ease, and takes the time to listen to what I have to say. Which is wonderful, considering how precious her time is. I know there are many other children, some probably younger than Aaden, with bigger problems.

I went fully prepared last week, had a huge list of questions, from, how he's responding to the medicine he is presently taking, to new symptoms we have seen in the past few weeks.  What Dr. H had to say wasn't anything like I was prepared for, especially because Evan couldn't take off of work. She diagnosed Aaden with bi-polar disorder. The only thing she was unsure about was: if his OCD was turning into bi-polar, or if it was both. Eeeeeeek, well what do we do about it? Was my first thought, after the tears.

Overall, I'd been thinking Aaden was doing better, but slowly having these things that stood out. Such as being more angry, never knowing which Aaden you would get, from one second to the next, etc. We still had all the same behavior issues too.  This is why it's hard to know if it's both, the OCD and bipolar, or just bipolar disorder. Dr. H and I decided not to take him off of his Celexa 30mg, (for the OCD) because, it isn't hurting him to take. We are also keeping him on the Respirdone 0.5mg twice a day. But have added a new medicine, which is a mood stabilizer, for the bipolar. I have not done much research on the new medication, so I'm going to hold off on posting the name. However, we have to slowly work our way into the medicine. There are 6 phases to go thru before he has the full dose, and we are currently on phase 2. No, there is not a noticeable difference, we will not see that until we have been on the full dose for 2-3 weeks. Within the next month and a half, we should hopefully see a major difference, and have our happy little Aaden! She also recommended we start seeing a therapist. A therapist, for a 3 year old? Yes, that's what I thought too, however, therapy will be mainly for Evan and I. Giving us suggestions on what to do when he has an anxiety attack or starts acting out.

My main concern with, yet another, medication was is it going to change who Aaden is?! Because, honestly, he is such a ham, and can be very pleasant to be around. Dr. H's response was absolutely not. He will still be Aaden.

I just want to ask for everyone, I know, or not, to please pray for Aaden, as we transition into the new medicine, and we find the right therapist, for us, as a family. I very much appreciate it!

Until next time...

With love,
Courtney :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A spin on painting

Ha- pun intended? Yes, indeed!! I first saw this craft on Play at Home Mom, which I have been madly in love with. I have always been interested in trying new things for the boys to do, well mainly Aaden, right now. All while he is learning--- but completely oblivious to it :)

So, all we have here is a salad spinner, non coated paper plates, and water color. However, I also tried tempra paint. Both worked fine. Each had a different look. For us, the liquid water color was easier, because it was in a squirt bottle. I need to find some little droppers, that would make things even easier, and help with fine motor skills. Yep, I need to get on top of that. 

 Getting plate into position...

 How about some pink...

 ... why not every color we own?

 spin spin spin!!!

As you can see, he was quite proud of himself, as was I!! We discussed all the colors afterward, had to make it a little learning experience, while it was still fun!! It was pretty neat, also, some of the water colors made 'new' colors. He was in awe!

Now, I will admit- I am, for the most part, a very clean, organized person. BUT, and yes, there is a but, there is something about letting your kids get dirty while they learn, and have fun!! They are kids!! That's their joy! Which brings joy to Momma! Just nothing better than a huge smile on your baby's faces.

Until next time...

With love,
Courtney :)

Rain rain, DON'T go away

Rain rain, DON'T go away, you know the song. Wait, DON'T? That's not right is it? Maybe not for you, but it is for us! We enjoyed getting messy playing in the rain last week [eeeek, I'm a late poster, I don't have a computer at home these days].

We just happened to be playing outside when the bottom fell out the sky, no lie, it did. Instead of running inside, as normal. I decided to have some fun with the nasty weather!

Not to mention, Aaden was scared, so this was the perfect opportunity to show him, the weather would not hurt him, and push him out of his element a little bit. At first he wanted NOTHING to do with the water, and getting wet. He is a boy thru and thru though. I promise! I was determined though. I put on a hat, and ran out in the rain, with Brady bear 2 feet behind me, Aaden soon realized, hey, they are having LOADS of fun!! He would tip toe out a little, and run back under the carport. Then, I had another thought, why not go play in the hideously huge ditch we have in our front yard. Might as well make the best of the disturbing thing. Brady and I ran out in the ditch splashing around, putting those cute rain boots to work. Not long after, here comes Aaden. He played for a little bit, of course, once he really got into it, the weather took a turn for the UGLY, thundering and lightening. It was as if all my hard work of getting Aaden out there, having fun, in the weather, that he is normally scared of, just disappeared. Stupid thunder, ruined it all. But we did have fun while it lasted!!

 Here is Mr. Scaredy pants... At least he's smiling, right?

 Whoop Whoop for rubber boots!

 Little ham, this was just about as wet as he would get.

 ...and--- BRADY LOVED it, if I had not mentioned that already!

Phew... bring on the bath!!!! Here is Luke trying to get in on the action as well!!

Yes, the saying is a little cheesy, but it's one of my favorites, and one I need to practice!!

Until next time...

With love,
Courtney :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Finger paint fun!

Finger paint fun, well that's a title all in itself! More like body paint, it is so much more fun to paint with your whole hand, on your own leg!! This wasn't Brady's first time to be offered the paint, just his first time to actually participate, as in, he put the paint on the paper, and not in his mouth! He is finally getting the jest of crafty things!

 Why not just squirt all of the paint out of the tube?

 I can hear Aaden saying, "Show you Bady, Show you"

 Ok, so maybe a little paint went inside his mouth

 Exactly what finger paint should look like after use!

Christmas 2011

Well, Merry LATE LATE Christmas, y'all!!  I know, I am a complete slacker with blogging lately. My computer crashed on me. BOOOO, and I can't, well maybe I can, and just don't know how, to insert pictures from my iPad, into the blog? If any of you know how to do that, please let me know!!!

As always, our holiday season is super busy, although, this year, things were a bit different, since Christmas Day was a Sunday, an extra day to celebrate Christmas, with the ones we love most.

Our Christmas started with a trip to Bass Pro, with my Dad, step-mom, and sisters. We wanted to take a big group pictures with all the grandkids, I mean how cute of an idea is that!?! I will sum it up in a nice way, the people who were there taking pictures this year, were not quite as friendly as the ones last year. So we didn't get our group pic. However, my Daddy, did get Aaden on the merry-go-around.

For those of you who are local, next year, be sure to go check our the Messengers Christmas Land, it is free, and amazing!!! It is the Messenger Family who has been putting this on since the 60's!! Super cool. ...and yes, that is us in SHORTS, in December!! 

Our first actual family Christmas was at Evan's family, Lottie & Pop's house. This has been a new little tradition we do, with just the Ingram's. We had a huge variety of yummy food, sweets, and lots of fun presents. As you can see, Uncle Dude, Orry, Evan's brother, is the typical 'fun' uncle. Here he is spinning Aaden around, and when you looked a few feet over, Brady lays down for his turn. haha Monkey see-monkey do!!

Boys will be boys?

The next morning we celebrated with Alisha, the boys' Seesha, and her sweet little girl, Bryleigh. I have been saying for the longest time, Aaden and Bry will get married, one day, even though they fight like cats and dogs now. I hope they grow old together. Even if it's just a life long friendship!!

Later, that night, we went to Granny's, I have no idea why I never have any pictures from Granny's house? Maybe we are just having too much fun?? Who knows. But we do have tons of fun, and we always fill her HUGE living room up with paper, like really.  A huge swimming pool of wrapping paper!!! (Next year, I will do a better job of pictures at Granny's-promise)

Christmas morning we did Santa at our house. I snapped these pictures of the boys, I just love each one of them. Thought I would share all three.

 Brady did much better than I thought opening presents!!

 Here is Luke, one of the boys' Christmas presents!! Sweet boy.
 Growing up we used to always get one 'big' present, so I'm assuming, that's what we are doing with the boys. Here is their big present! A trampoline! That we have lived on the past few weeks!! Even Luke likes it.

We ended our Christmas celebration at my daddy's house. There we have the most kids that are our babies ages. They all play and carry on. There is always a kid needing a friend. I think they all play very well together! I love knowing Aaden has tons of cousins to look after him one day!!!

 My cutie pie little niece, Audrey!

My twins!!

 My little sister, Shelby, got Evan and our dad both Footballs autographed by Les Miles!!
Such an appropriate time to post this!!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!

I hope each of you had a Merry little Christmas, as we did!!

Until next time...

With love,
Courtney :)