Friday, September 14, 2012

Update in a nutshell...

Long time no blog, this I know. So much has been going on, I haven't had time to share...

As many of you know, Evan has started a new job, IN TEXAS!!! We moved in July, to San Antonio. The transition has been wonderful. The boys have done very well, and Evan is loving his new job, and the fact he is 'off his tools'. I am so proud of him for taking this huge jump of faith, for our family. Although San Antonio is 7 hours away, it's a reassuring feeling to know friends and family are only a half days drive away, if needed.
Our house, in LA, is currently being rented out, with hopes our renters will buy the beginning of the year. After loading our U-Haul, for Texas, and driving it away from our first home was so bitter sweet, I knew the many blessing that lie ahead, but it was something about driving away from the memories, such as, it just being our first home, together, spending our wedding night, bringing home both boys from the hospital, birthday parties, Grey's nights, taco nights, fires in the driveway... I mean, so many things, I never want to forget!

So this is our new house... horrible picture, yes. It was the morning we were moving in, needless to say, the drive, was not so easy with the minis. Evan had worked all night.

I should stop to thank Steve Jobs for being the genius he is!! FaceTime, on both my phone and iPad, have been so much fun!! From wishing Pawpaw happy birthday, to learning about mermaids from Brodie... This has been our savings grace.

Aaden has also started a pre-k program! He goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. His teachers love him! They have all said he is very helpful, and loves playing with other kids... He is still pretty difficult to drop off in the mornings, unlike Brady would be, if he stayed. I'll put BB on the floor, to play, while the teacher peels Aaden away from me. Well lets just say, I have 2 screaming kids by the time I walk out the classroom door. Both for different reasons, but that just proves how completely different they are!! However, BB asks the same thing all day, "Wheras Bubba?". When I say all day, I mean ALLLL day I think it's adorable though!!

My big cheese haha

You know when you see people selling dogs on the side of the road... Well, I'm one of those people who like to stop and 'look'. One afternoon, on the way to get Aaden from school, I stopped, to let BB play and pet some of the pups, then we left to go get Aaden. Well, BB cried the whole way to A's school. So I decided, if they were still there, I would stop, and if A picked up the same puppy BB was loving on, I would have to get it!!! Sooooo- Meet Nola!! She's our 1 pound little girl! The vet said, we are hoping she gets up to 3 pounds, so say some prayers she grows, just a little ;)

If any of you are looking for an amazing family movie, go buy The Lorax!!! It is adorable, with a great story!! I have watched it at least 500 times, and I catch myself singing along to it, each and every time! The movie, right now, is definitely, 'Little Ingram Boy Crack'.

We also had family pictures done. I'm embarrassed to say, we haven't had family pictures taken since Brady was born!!!!!! Eeeeeek. SHAME. ON. US. I am beyond thrilled with the shots that were captured by Amber Aileen Photography. Below were a few that were purchased on the CD, there are a few more on Amber's blog. Take a look!!

Last but not least, please say a prayer for little Aaden. Throughout the past few weeks, Evan and I have noticed his behavior worsening after administering his medicine. I have called his neuro, and his regular pediatrician about weening him off... Both have agreed with the circumstances I gave them, it was probably best. So in 7 days, starting yesterday, he will be medicine free. We plan to control any issues with diet, a good schedule, a lot of love, and PRAYER!!!

Until next time... (I promise, wont be so long as this time)

With love,
Courtney <3

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