Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I'll just get right to the point. I have been struggling lately.

Doubting yourself as a parent- well it sucks. When you have a child that you just don't understand, you can't 'explain' him to a dr, because honestly, he reacts different to every single situation, is hard. It makes you feel like you don't know your baby.... Which is even more difficult to fathom. 

From the day we started struggling with Aaden, I have always told myself, 'Choose your battles wisely'.  Sometimes that is impossible. Mainly because, when Aaden is in a good mood and happy, he is 'normal', therefore you think disciplining him should be 'normal'. 

Is there a normal? A normal child, a normal way to discipline? I have no idea. 

Our normal is chaotic, our normal is hard. 

Trying to stay consistent, with a child who isn't... Just doesn't happen. Aaden is doing better, much much better. He is doing well in school. His teacher just bragged about how sweet he is and how well he plays with the other children. He is also doing very well in his sensory integration therapy. Every Tuesday and Thursday when I pick him up, they say 'He had a good day.'  Then we walk away from school or therapy and he hangs his head down to the ground. 

What am I doing so wrong?? Maybe counseling is our next step. 

With that being said- Brady Bear is TWO, y'all. Lets just say, definitely terrible two as well. I often wonder if the reason he acts out is because Aaden needs more attention.... Or is this something that started 2 years ago when he was born. He was always so easy, that we didn't really have to discipline him. Now, it's definitely caught up to us. He still plays well by himself, and he is still a good, sweet little boy. Sometimes I feel as if he is acting out for attention, and that just breaks my heart. I hate that Brady is struggling because of the issues we have with Aaden. But, making adjustments is whats needed to help our family function at a more mellow pace.

Anytime we are asked how close in age the boys are, the first thing that pops in my head is, "God knew if he didn't surprise us with Brady, he probably wouldn't have happened" haha. In all honesty, I am so thankful for his crazy little self- I can be down about something, turn to look at BB- and he is making a goofy face, to himself. Or swinging his head back and forth 'dancing'. He takes after me, no rhythm :/ poor kiddo.

So back to the 'choosing your battles wisely'. I question myself everyday with 'Should I have corrected him this way, or that way', 'Should I have let that go?'. It is so hard to think about your child being Out of Sync (which has been an amazing book, by the way).  With an Aspergers diagnosis, no child fits all points of the syndrome, Aaden is most of them- of course some more than others. But reading about Aspergers is just as hard as living with a child with Aspergers. Nothing is 100%, you could do it this way, or that way. It is so hard for me to comprehend! Maybe I need to be tested for ADD, in all seriousness.

I just ask for you to pray for us, as a family, to figure out what to do next, and we learn to function as a family.

Until next time...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sick days

How many of you remember Barf Vader Aaden? If you don't know what I'm referring to- you must not have been around Aaden much when he was little. Let's say I would take that little acid reflux-spit up half his bottle- baby back any day over the sickness he's had the past 24 hours.
That's right, we had our first encounter with big boy 'trow wup'. Poor toot just has not been feeling well! We have actually watched 3 ENTIRE movies, plus multiple shows on TV-without getting up and jumping on the couch. You know he feels bad!!  With that being said- although I wish he were not sick- it has been a pretty calm day!! We all napped, cuddled with kittens-because of course 5 week old baby 'titties' (gotta love Aaden's speech issues) can always make you feel better!! He has been running about 101/8 fever all day- while on Tylenol... sigh. Hate seeing my booger man sick. Same goes for Brady- he has wanted nothing more than to make his bubbie feel better! He has sat next to us in bed with the Pedialyte, syringe, Aaden's water bottle, and ear thermometer.

Poor babe just wanted it to work so bad!! He's been a huge help to me today. He even phoned in Aaden's temp a few times. "Yes, ok ok, ok, ok BYE"

Yes, that is Aaden- in his own bed! He asked to go lay down in his room. This is how he's been all day. 

Before we had a litter of kittens, I have always been curious if the saying, 'Cats have 9 lives', was true. Well, our boys have proven the myth to be very true. While Aaden, for the most part, is very sweet and loving with the babies. Brady is not. I'm pretty sure I have mentioned Brady carries them around by their necks- case proven. 

Now that we are on the story of the BB- sadly, I don't talk about Brady as much as I should. Or as much as I would like to... This kid is an absolute nut. There is never a dull moment. He has the sweetest loving personality. All while being crazy non-stop. Everyone always jokes about how messy he is. As you can see, they are all right on point. Brady attracts dirt. Seriously, if there is a little dirt spot or mud- he's all in there. 

My sweet little cowboy.

A few years ago Santa started hitting the clearance section after Halloween for dress up clothes. Smart Santa! The Ingram mini's love it!!

As I said, dirt. The kid expresses dirt from his pores. I believe that!

Sweet boy was so excited Woody had his own towel!!

He he he get it from his Granny ;) The kid loves coffee!!

You're never too old to take a bath in the sink, right?! Lately, the boys have been LOVING to bathe in the sink. Works for me, they will sit there for an hour!! Plus my floor gets mopped in the process.

If you can't tell, there is never a dull moment around our house. Regardless if there is a sickness going around, or if we are taking twenty gazzillion baths a day. Boys will be boys, and I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Until next time...