Thursday, April 18, 2013

Aaden turns 4!

Yes, he is already 4!! Unbelievable!!

He had a wonderful day, yesterday. We started the day off by getting donuts, he HAD to have his window down to tell the guy at the window it was his birthday-of course, the little guy barely spoke English. But he just kind of smiled at Aaden, and looked at me like, 'Huh?'. His smile was all it took for Aaden though.

Once we got home, he was ready for presents, but I was able to make him believe Evan had them at work ;) Luckily, he believed me, if not, I would have been in for the million questions... now, now now? How about now. He's in that stage now.

Brady and I brought a Ninja Turtle cupcakes cake to his school. Lets just say, he was surprised!! He is one of 7 boys in his class, they were all so cute, and just as excited. It was adorable to watch seven 3 year old boys sing to him. He just grinned from ear to ear the whole time. Since the little party was at the end of the day, I was able to stay and watch them participate in their music class. WAY. TOO. CUTE.  I have to say, I was beyond proud of the little goober, he was up dancing and singing the whole time, even being completely animated for some of the songs.

Last night, we had my aunt and uncle, and 2 friends for pizza, another Ninja Turtle cake, and ice cream. Then, of course, all he wanted to do was open presents. He is Power Ranger and Ninja Turtle'd up for a long time. I am thankful to have sweet family and friends in Texas!!

While on Pinterest, I stumbled across the idea to 'interview' the boys on their birthdays, to see how their responses change. I tried last year with Aaden, but he wasn't too interested, nor did he understand the questions. Well, this year was PERFECT!!!!

Age: 4
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?  Hug
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Duke it up
What makes you happy? Power Ranger Toys
What are you really good at? School
Who is your best friend? Brodie
What do you want to be when you grow up? Power Ranger
What is something you would like to try? Petting a dinosaur
What do you think about before you fall asleep? falling down like a monkey
Who is someone famous you'd like to meet? Red Power Ranger

What is your favorite:
Color: Blue
Book: Llama Llama Nighty Night
Movie: Ninja Turtles
Food: Macaroni
Treat: Cereal bar
TV Show: Power Rangers
Toy: Power Ranger gun
Animal: Giraffe
Song: Baba Black Sheep
Sport: Basketball
Day: Morning time
Holiday: Easter
Number: 4
Cereal: Lucky Charms
Store: Target
Game: Soccer

Well the last 4 years have been nothing short of interesting, but I can honestly say, I am so proud of my sweet little man. Watching him transform from a toddler to a little man has been amazing. Each day he teaches me something new, most of the time about myself, and I will forever be grateful for A, and my little BB :)

Until next time...

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