Every holiday is always a very busy time for our little family. We started Easter off this year with dying Easter eggs, what would have been better? Aaden really enjoyed it this year. Although, he liked throwing the eggs into the cups, and watching the dye splash everywhere, but hey, that's what makes it so fun, right?
Then, once the boys woke up, Aaden and Brady got to play with their cool Easter baskets the Bunny left for them!! Aaden had ubers of stuff, from sippy cups to marshmellow baseballs to play dough eggs and hot wheel cars!!
Brady had a full little basket, himself!! The Easter Bunny must have known he would start teething soon, YES! he is already teething. One of his bottom teethies just broke thru his gums this past Tuesday!!
I was in awe of this picture, I am getting pretty excited about the boys playing together, with each other... this made my whole day!!
After all the basket excitement, we went outside for a little egg hunt, of course, the rubber boots, and Abbie's help were an absolute MUST!!
After the egg hunt, we took baths and got ready for Lottie & Pop's house... where we visited with Lottie, Pop, Auntie Em, Andy, Uncle Dude, Mawmaw Jerry, Pawpaw Henry, Nana, Big Guy, and of course, we can't forget Pepper Girl.
After we visited with our Zachary family, we took off to Central, for the Hailey family Easter, where we also celebrated Madison's FIFTH birthday!!
We had tons of fun playing volleyball, egg hunts with all the kiddos, riding on Maddie's 4 wheeler, and wagon rides...
Nanny & sweet BB
BB loving on his little cousin, Lucy!
Aunt Madison giving Audrey & Aaden a little ride :)
As always, we are truly blessed to have such an amazing family!! To celebrate such a wonderful day with wonderful people!!
With love,