Friday, December 6, 2013

Something HUGE

Today is Friday, can I get a whoop whoop?! Not to mention, Evan has been working a job from 9-4 this week, and is supposed to be off the weekend!!! Just when Evan was working to the point of exhaustion, something different comes along for him. With the same company, just a different line of work.

Being Friday, I do my normally running minis around. We leave our house by 7:00, to get Aaden around the corner to school, in enough time to eat a good breakfast with his friends. Then it's across town, about 30 minutes to have Brady at school for 8:45. Then, back 30 minutes towards our house, to grab Aaden by 10:45, and then BACK 30 minutes to get Brady by 12:45. Phew, yes I do that, on Wednesday's and Friday's.

My boys have made me so proud today--- Brady has had a difficult time with Momma leaving him at school. Crying for 20-45 minutes each day. Well today, he walked the entire way into his classroom, grabbed his name tag, and told me where to put his tote. All alone. With ZERO tears!!!
When I picked him up, his teacher said he had an amazing day! He participated in every activity, was very vocal, and even hugged another student when we were leaving.  I haven't shared much with Brady, because unlike Aaden, we seem to be able to work thru Brady's sensory issues, and they aren't quite as severe. We do plan to have Brady evaluated though, just a a precaution for some things we have seen lately. So, for Brady to be vocal, and hug another person, or acknowledge his classmates was HUGE! Geaux my little Brady Bear!!! So very proud of you!!!

Well, while I get a very small amount of alone time with Aaden, on the 2 days Brady is in school, today we ran to Whole Foods, I had to grab a few new things I wanted to try with Aaden and whatnot. Plus, Whole Foods artichokes are, no lie, bigger than a personal size watermelon. So worth the long drive. At The Quarry, Santa has a special little house set up. As we drove by, I showed it to Aaden, told him Santa was in there roasting his little toes by the fire, because it is FREEZING in San Antonio today. We did our shopping, he was denied the toy he wanted to purchase- he accepted 'no', without tears or a huge scene. He pushed his little buggy the whole trip, picked out all of Brady's veggies and his own supplements. Very very proud. However, this isn't what I am writing about today… When we got in our car, he ASKED to go see Santa!! Holy COW!!! He ASKED-

Asking to us is multiple things.
1. He was genuinely  asking for something. Instead of demanding it.
2. This is something that he was terrified of 2 weeks ago
3. By asking, he knew there was a possibility of being told no.

So, we went to see Santa!!! He had someone else in his 'House' at the time, so we PATIENTLY waited, without backing out of our mission or whining because we had to wait. When Santa walked out to grab Aaden, he didn't pull back, no regression. He happily walked inside… answered every. single. one. of Santa's questions. <I had already told him Santa didn't have toys today, and he was not getting anything, other than being able to speak with Santa> So Aaden did this willingly! Not in spirits of gaining something. He told Santa he wanted a few things: a real two-headed turtle (remember? we saw one at the Zoo-now we never stop talking about it), a ninja turtle, and a ninja toy. Now this is normal, all things to be alike ;) When Santa explained that he couldn't bring a 'real' turtle because of the sleigh situation, Aaden understood, and said yes sir! <Um--- huge there too, accepting alternative>
He hopped right into Santa's lap and gave his most handsome smile.
Now, we are just in school clothes, and jeans… nothing special. But that's what makes it even more special to me- that is what makes this about Aaden. About the child who stepped way out of his normal box, and did something courageous. It's about him, not what and when I wanted to fight him to put on something he didn't want to wear, and go when it's convenient to my schedule. This is Aaden, and this is why I'm so proud.

This Momma is proud! I do hate that Evan was not able to witness this… or that Brady isn't in the picture. But this was a very special moment, that currently causing tears in my eyes. I am so proud of my boy, my sweet Aspie Aaden.

Until next time…

With love,

PS- Any family that wants a copy of the picture, let me know. I will email you the original copy! You will lose quality by saving from the blog post.